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Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) - Fast Track


24 months



UK / International



Course Overview

The Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) is a 120 ECTS credits programme. It allows students to achieve a doctoral award VERN University, Croatia. The programme will be managed by IBES.

The DBA programme equips senior business practitioners and high-potential individuals with both knowledge as well as the applied and research skills needed to become executive-level organisational leaders, industry innovators, consultants and policymakers. Students ethically address complex and practical business challenges and learn how to transform business practices to create organisational optimisation, growth, and sustainability.

In designing this programme, the prior qualifications and corporate experiences of participants are taken into consideration in order to ensure the programme shall build on prior knowledge and skills.

Awards to be conferred

  • Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) from VERN University: View sample certificate

  • IBES and VERN’ University Joint Transcript: View sample transcript

Learning Outcomes

On completion of the programme, students will be able to:

  • Use self-assessment, reflection, evaluation, feedback and developments in theory and evidence-based practice to improve their ethical business practice in a variety of contexts.

  • Apply a deep understanding of relevant theories and practices to predict outcomes and create business solutions in complex environments.

  • Communicate key issues effectively and creatively using numerical, graphical, oral and written skills.

  • Conduct ethical research on business topics, based on critical analysis of academic research and professional practice, and communicate findings.

  • Demonstrate proficiency in applying a systematic, vigorous research methodologies, design and process when undertaking an original research via the thesis requirement as part of the fulfilment to gain the doctorate award.


The Thesis shall be 40,000 to 45,000 words

Entry Requirements

A Master’s degree in any field; or
Other qualifications recognised as equivalent to a Master’s degree; and
Demonstrate English language proficiency in order to participate in the programme taught in English.

Modules Covered 

Stage 1 – Thesis Preparation

Student must undertake a Business Research Methodology module prior to commencing their thesis research or be exempted from it should students have already undertaken a similar or equivalent Research Methodology module prior to enrolling on to the programme.

Following the Research Methodology module students have up to three months to submit a Thesis Proposal for grading and approval before progressing to Stage 2.

A supervisor will be assigned to a student who, under the guidance of the supervisor, shall continue to work towards completing the Final Thesis.

Stage 1 should be completed not more than 4 months.

Stage 2 – Thesis Proposal Approval, Research and Documentation

Stage 2 commences once the Thesis Proposal has been approved and graded and should be completed within 12-18 months. A supervisor will be assigned to a student who, under the guidance of the supervisor, shall continue to work towards completing the Final Thesis.

Stage 3 – Oral Defence of Thesis

Once a final check by the supervisor has been undertaken to confirm that a candidate’s work has met the minimum prescribed standard and first and second marked, a Viva will be organized, conducted and chaired by the Chairperson of the viva Panel. This will normally be scheduled 2 – 3 weeks after both the first and second markings have been completed.

Thesis preparation and Thesis Proposal of 4,500 – 5,000 words (25% of the marks)

Final Thesis of 40,000 – 45,000 words (75% of the marks)

Intake Dates

January, March, June, September

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